Creating SMS QR Codes
Generate QR codes that, when scanned, open the user's SMS app with a pre-filled message. This is useful for businesses that want to make it easier to send SMS.
SMS QR Code Format
There are two main formats for SMS QR codes, depending on your needs and the target devices:
Modern iOS/Android Format
For the most reliable compatibility with modern devices, use the smsto
For example:!
There is variation bewteen mobile devices, so always test your QR codes on different devices to ensure compatibility.
You can also use our QR code builder to generate SMS QR codes instead of editing the URL directly.
Creating SMS QR Codes in Spreadsheets
You can generate SMS QR codes in bulk using spreadsheets. Here's an example formula that creates a QR code URL:
="" & ENCODEURL("smsto:" & A2 & ":" & B2)
- Column A contains phone numbers
- Column B contains the message text
For more details on using spreadsheets, see our guide on generating QR codes in Excel and Google Sheets.
Customization Options
You can customize your SMS QR codes using any of the standard QR code parameters. Here's an example with custom styling: to Text Us&captionFontSize=15
- Include the country code - Always include the country code in the phone number for international compatibility (e.g., +1 for US numbers). Phone numbers should be in international format without spaces or special characters (except for the + prefix). For example: +15555555555
- URL encode special characters - Make sure to URL encode any special characters in your message
- Keep messages concise - Shorter messages are more reliable and create simpler QR codes
- Test thoroughly - Test your QR codes on both iOS and Android devices
Need help?
For questions about generating SMS QR codes, visit our community forum.
To learn more about QR code customization options, check out the QR code API documentation.