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Advanced API

Short URLs

You may want to create a shorter URL for your charts, especially if you are sending them via email or SMS. To generate a short URL for your chart, send a POST request to

The endpoint takes the following JSON request body, identical to the /chart POST endpoint:

width: string; // Pixel width
height: string; // Pixel height
devicePixelRatio: number; // Pixel ratio (2.0 by default)
format: string; // png, svg, or webp
backgroundColor: string; // Canvas background
version: string; // Chart.js version
key: string; // API key (optional)
chart: string | ChartConfiguration; // Chart.js configuration

Here's an example using curl. You can use any library that sends an HTTP POST request:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"chart": {"type": "bar", "data": {"labels": ["Hello", "World"], "datasets": [{"label": "Foo", "data": [1, 2]}]}}}' \

Here's an equivalent request using Python:

import json
import requests

quickchart_url = ''
post_data = {'chart': {'type': 'bar', 'data': {'labels': ['Hello', 'World'],
'datasets': [{'label': 'Foo', 'data': [1, 2]}]}}}

response =

if (response.status_code != 200):
print('Error:', response.text)
chart_response = json.loads(response.text)

You will get a response that looks like this:

"success": true,
"url": ""

Go to the URL in the response to render your chart.

Please note the following limitations:

  • It can take a couple seconds for short URLs to become active globally.
  • Request inputs are not validated before the URL is created. The chart is only rendered when the URL is visited.
  • If your chart includes Javascript, you must supply your chart definition as a string (see using JS functions).
  • Saved charts expire after 3 days for free users, 6 months for paid users.


If you want to generate many charts, but they only differ slightly, you may prefer to use chart templates. Any chart with a Short URL can also be used as a template.

Customize a template by adding URL parameters to the template URL. The following template parameters are supported:

  • title - The title of the chart
  • labels - Comma-separated labels for the label axis of a chart (usually the X axis)
  • data1, data2, ..., dataN - Comma-separated data values for each dataseries
  • label1, label2, ..., labelN - Comma-separated labels for each dataseries
  • backgroundColor1, ..., backgroundColorN - Comma-separated backgrounds for each dataseries
  • borderColor1, ..., borderColorN - Comma-separated border colors for each dataseries

For example, this URL will take template zf-abc-123 and update its title to "New title": title

We can add a labels URL parameter: title&labels=Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4

Or even override multiple datasets:,60,80,100&data2=5,6,7,8

In addition to plain numbers, templates also accept (x, y) data values and arbitrary JSON objects.

An example walkthrough with a live template can be viewed here.


By default, short URLs/templates render as images and are not interactive. If you'd like to display a chart with interactive tooltips in an iframe, take the unique portion of the shortened URL and append it to the /chart-maker/view/ endpoint.

For example, given the short URL:

Here is the corresponding iframe URL:

You can embed it like a regular iframe. Be sure to set a frame width and height that is compatible with your chart. Here's an HTML example:

<iframe src="demo_iframe.htm" frameborder="0" height="500" width="300" title="Iframe Example"></iframe>


Expiration of short URLs and templates varies based on whether you've created them using the /chart/create API endpoint, or via the Chart Maker.

Free TierProfessional Plan
API3 days6 months
Can be extended by contacting support
Advanced Chart Editor (Sandbox)3 days6 months
Can be extended by contacting support
Chart Maker60+ days
Expiration is reset when rendered
6+ months
Expiration is reset when rendered

An expired short URL will return a 404 Not Found error.